Five kinds of Bio-Leadership story are redefining human progress. Our work is about helping these stories connect up and grow.
New forms of purpose and progress connected to nature.
New organisational forms that work like nature.
New ways of working as ecosystems, inspired by nature.
New, regenerative models of organisation and society.
New cultures that reconnect to nature and the web of life.
To grow new forms of leadership, we need to grow new forms of knowledge.
To navigate complex and urgent times, we need to cultivate human capacities for resilience, connection, adaptability, systemic awareness, and care for things greater than ourselves.
Bio-Leadership is about working with nature to grow these qualities as individuals, communities, businesses and society.
We do this by working with nature to support three forms of knowledge:
This is about understanding and working with practical and organisational ideas inspired by nature, such as circular models, regenerative models and new organisational and economic models.
This is about working with qualities that grow when we take the time to stop, notice and work with nature’s patterns. It is about developing resilience, awareness, connection, and an understanding of how life flows.
This is knowledge that is needed to help us learn as whole systems and connected communities. It is knowledge related to organisational learning, cultural change and deep personal and social transformation.
Bio-Leadership was born of deep time in nature.
We have spent much time outdoors, taking the time to listen. We have travelled with wise elders, studied ancient traditions and dedicated much time to understanding the deeper patterns of how life works.
Bio-Leadership was born from studying human systems, working with learning, systems-thinking, different forms of leadership, seeking to understand how human systems can be good for the whole.
Bio-Leadership is born of this time. It is here because we believe urgent action is needed to change a paradigm of life and work that drives a destructive way of being in the world. We believe that a revolution in humanity is required. We believe something is better by working with nature.
The Bio-Leadership Project was founded by Andres Roberts, a guide, advisor and facilitator who stepped away from the dominant story, took time in the wild and returned with the vision to bring people and nature back together.
Today, The Bio-Leadership Project aims to connect many like-minded souls.
Together, we can shift the culture of progress to care for all of life.