Our plan for staying healthy and well in light of Covid19

Many of us long to reconnect and help each other in these strange times. As the Bio-Leadership Project, we are glad that we can help people reconnect and make sense of this moment, and we are excited to be planning a number of events in coming months. 

As we do this, our priority remains to keep everyone safe and well, including all participants, team, guests and partners. Do take the time to read through the guidelines below to help us stay healthy. We invite you to join in the spirit of mutual care and respect - making sure everyone has room and space to feel safe and comfortable. Let’s be especially mindful that other participants may have needs different to our own.



Before arrival

We’re asking participants to follow government guidelines of social distancing and mask wearing. If you develop symptoms close to the event please seek medical advice and let us know. 

At the event

We’re asking participants to follow social distancing. We’ve made special care to provide ample space inside and out and will be marking out spaces to help distancing during events.

We’re asking that you bring a mask and hand sanitiser with you, for use as appropriate.

For camping and overnight events we’ll be asking participants to take their own cup, plate, cutlery etc. as well as their own blanket for evenings, this is to avoid cross contamination.

We ask that you take responsibility for cleaning your own dining items during the event.

Following the event

If  by any chance you find yourself with any Covid19 symptoms after our events we ask you to seek medical advice and promptly let us know. We will then be able to contact everyone to notify them should they wish to get tested.


 Our cancellation policy during this time

If we cancel an event:

We would provide you with a full refund. If we have incurred costs ourselves, we will be totally transparent and give you the option to contribute towards these at your discretion.  

If you cancel your place:

Cancellations up to 6 weeks prior to the event will be refunded fully. 

For cancellations within 6 months of the event, we propose to offer 50% refund, but offer you a 50% discount to any future events. We hope that this way of working means that neither you or us/partners lose out financially.  


Our commitment for the Re-Emergence Gathering in October 

For the Re-Emergence Gathering in October we have picked a venue that provides vast amounts of space, with capacity for us to social distance. 

We are keeping the glamping option to one person per tent. 

We will have a catering team to safely provide food for everyone rather than cook together. 

We will also have ample amounts of hand sanitiser and cleaning supplies to help us help clean. 

We’re also asking participants to bring a bit of their own equipment, like a blanket and eating utensils, to avoid sharing items. 


Please do contact us if you feel you are at higher risk or have queries relating to our Covid19 guidelines on connect@bio-leadership.org we are committed to creating safe and caring spaces for everyone. 

That’s it. We’re so looking forward to gathering with you all! 

The Bio-Leadership Project Team x